
How to Help Prevent Energy Loss in Commercial Buildings


There will always be some amount of energy loss in your commercial building. Commercial buildings begin to deteriorate from the time they are constructed – losing more and more energy as time goes on. It’s not a lost cause, though. There are many things you can do to combat energy loss, with HVAC maintenance being near the top.

Creating an HVAC preventive maintenance program is one of the most effective things you can do to measure and prevent widespread energy loss and increase energy efficiency im your indirect fired heat and other HVAC systems. A preventative maintenance program can cut energy loss by as much a 20%. It’s extremely important and cost-effective to be proactive rather than reactive. You should never postpone equipment repairs to “save” money or meet your budget. This will almost always lead to much higher costs in the long run. Beyond it costing more to repair or replace, it also increases the likelihood of complete asset failure but also health and safety concerns.

Preventative maintenance program should include bi-yearly preventative maintenance checklists. Even the smallest effort will help -- from making sure you clean the filters and coils to making sure the belts are properly aligned and have the right amount of tension. Oftentimes, HVAC maintenance is expected to be handled by in-house staff. This is not ideal because they are not trained HVAC professionals. HVAC maintenance can be a big thing to take on and a small maintenance workforce is more often than not, ill-equipped to handle it. It may be worth it to have a professional check out your equipment a couple times a year and handle any concerns you may have.

At AbsolutAire, we have a commitment to total value and the best available technology. We believe energy efficiency is paramount. Besides, it’s not only easier on the environment; it’s almost always easier on your checkbook. Contact us today to see what we can do to help make your commercial space more energy efficient.