Which Make Up Air System is Best for Your Workspace?
It’s important to make sure that your workspaces have good air quality. Anywhere people are working indoors needs to have good air quality, so make-up air is key to insuring that your workers have a constant flow of fresh clean outside air to replace exhaust air. With some of the best make-up air systems in the industry, with its AA-Series and V-Series systems, AbsolutAire delivers the best available technology. These units provide a steady flow of clean, fresh outside air to fit some of the highest volumes, but which make-up air unit is right for your workspace?
When choosing between the AA-Series and V-Series make-up air systems, it’s important to choose the option that best suits the size of the workspace and the type of work. Proper make-up air is important for workspaces of all sizes to maintain a healthy environment for one’s workers.
Versatility and High Volume
AA-Series make-up air systems are ideal for larger industrial workspaces, these units are designed to provide airflow and conditioning to large spaces. Capable of 800 to 54,000 CFM, and 200 to 6,000 MBH, the AA-series is AbsolutAire’s Ideal solution for high volume make-up air needs. A versatile series with many optional features including 80% return air and 20% outside air, or 100% outside air options, these units can be made to fit almost any make-up air application and are a popular choice for warehousing, paint finishing, small manufacturing operations and even kitchen make-up air.
Lower Volume but Better Value
The V-Series of make-up air systems are a value driven design that delivers a smaller volume of airflow at 800 to 13,000 CFM, and conditioning at 155 to 1,125 MBH. While less versatile, with fewer optional features than the AA-series, the V-series delivers 100% outside make-up air with the added advantage of low maintenance and durability. The V-Series make-up air systems are widely used in commercial kitchen applications like restaurants, cafeterias, and catering facilities, but are also usable in other applications like wastewater treatment and industrial processing.
Making sure your workspace is supplied with a steady flow of clean, fresh outside air is important for maintaining a healthy environment for your workers. With the AA-series units for larger applications like warehouses and factories, and V-series units for smaller spaces for food services and smaller industrial processes, AbsolutAire can help you find the best make-up air system for your company’s workspace. For more information about our make-up air or our other HVAC units, contact us today.