Why Choose Direct-Fired Heaters for Kitchen Spaces?
Newly constructed restaurant spaces need dependable heating that direct-fired heaters can provide. A direct-fired heater provides heating and ventilation that can keep any space warm throughout their operation hours, meaning a comfortable space for diners as well as kitchen staff. Through heating, ventilation, and make-up air, your spaces receive efficient temperature regulation you can count on.
AbsolutAire provides the some of the best direct-fired heaters on the market through our AA-Series. Any commercial business space needs to be comfortable for those that work within the space as well as those who visit it, so AbsolutAire provide heating to make it comfortable each day.
Meet specific needs
When choosing a direct-fired heater, it should have the capability to meet the needs of your space. Whether the heater needs to be installed on the side or top of a building, needs to have different types of fuel used within, needs an alternative heating option such as electric or steam, or a variety of other differences, your selection should be capable of doing it all.
Direct-fired heaters from AbsolutAire are a great option for kitchen spaces because they have versatility to meet the needs of any space they are installed. Each of the differences listed above, our heaters are capable of. With our professional team’s assistance and the capabilities of our direct-fired heaters, your space’s environmental control will be better than ever.
Efficient, economic options
A direct-fired heater should not only provider a space with all the capabilities that it requires for great heating, but it should also be efficient and economic as needed. Here in the Midwest, it can get brutally cold in the winter, so having an efficient heating system can help to keep costs low while your heater runs on high throughout the winter months.
AbsolutAire’s AA-Series provides designs that use either 100% outdoor air or 80% return air and only 20% outdoor air. This allows for more efficient, economic heating that utilizes more indoor air to lower the amount that needs to be heated from the outdoors. This means less energy spent, leading to less cost for the manager of the space where our direct-fired heater is installed.
With the direct-fired heaters from AbsolutAire, any kitchen space will get the clean, fresh, heated air that it needs for a comfortable winter season each year. Learn more about our AA-Series or the other options available at AbsolutAire by giving us a call today!