Nelson Steel Products - Holland, MI

E-Series Direct-Fired Air Turnover System
3% OA Energy-Saving Design
Key Facts:
Product: E-Series Direct-Fired Air Turnover System
Model: E2-10-20
Airflow: 20,000 CFM
Capacity: 1,000 MBH
Fuel: Natural Gas
3' Discharge Extensions
1" Aluminum Filters
3-Sided Inlet and Return
Inlet Gas Pressure Gauge
Painted Abso-Green
Installed: 2011
Project Overview:
Nelson Steel Products is a manufacturer of treadmill parts in Holland, MI. Their new facility was in need of an air turnover system to keep the space at a comfortable 70 degrees F year-round for production employees, and they chose an E-Series dired-fired air turnover system to accomplish this task.
The E2-10-20 uses only 3% OA to provide warm air to the warehouse, making it an environmentally friendly and energy-saving system. The unit was mounted against an exterior wall and was designed for 3-sided inlet and return. The 5 HP direct-drive axial fan makes the unit incredibly quiet so as not to disrupt production in the facility.
For more information contact sales@absolutaire.com