Caterpillar - Torreon, Mexico

S-Series Air Handlers for Paint Finishing
Stringent Temperature & Humidity Standards
Key Facts:
Product: AbsolutAire S-Series Air-Handling Systems
Model: Two S119-HOXDXEV
Airflow: 12,000 CFM (Each Unit)
Capacity: 1,660 MBH (Each Unit)
Fuel: Natural Gas
High-Efficiency Filtration
DX Cooling Coil
Evaporative Humidifier
2” Double-Wall Insulated Cabinet
Installed: 2002
Project Overview:
As a globally diversified manufacturer of heavy equipment and specialized engines, Caterpillar is challenged like all in the global economy to maintain exceptionally high standards for quality and cost control to compete worldwide.
For a new parts manufacturing center in Torreon, Mexico, Caterpillar designed and built an advanced paint-finishing operation to address specific environmental and atmospheric conditions. The company selected an AbsolutAire custom-designed S-Series air-handling system for the state-of-the-art paint booths. This direct-gas-fired system included high-efficiency air filtration, DX coil cooling, and humidification with evaporative media. Extremely close tolerances for both temperature and humidity are strictly maintained during system operation.
For more information contact sales@absolutaire.com