Gun Lake Sewer and Water Authority - Shelbyville, MI

AA-Series 100% Outside Air System
Electric Coil Heating
Key Facts:
Product: AbsolutAire AA-Series 100% Outside Air Electric Coil System
Model: AA3000-UOEL
Airflow: 2,000 CFM
Capacity: 48 KW
48 KW Electric Coil with Fused Disconnect
Side Access Filter Section with Polylink Filters
Motorized Inlet Damper
1" Thermafiber Cabinet Insulation
48" High Support Legs
3-Way Double Deflection Discharge Diffuser
Service Platform with Ladder
Belt Guard
Aluminum Fan
Installed: 2007
Project Overview:
This AA-Series is the heat source for the Gun Lake Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The facility it serves is responsible for draining the vehicles that clean out the area's septic tanks, so the unit had to be equipped to handle the harsh environment. The gases produced in this process could not be subjected to any open flames, so an electric coil was chosen to heat the space.
The unit was equipped with an all-aluminum fan to ensure that it withstood the corrosive agents in the environment. To prolong its life, the motor provided was totally enclosed, and the remote panel that shipped loose with the unit was mounted in an entirely different area of the facility, again to protect it from the harmful contaminants at the plant. A service platform and ladder were also shipped with the unit to allow for easy access to the controls.
For more information contact sales@absolutaire.com