Industrial Heating, Ventilating, and Make-up Air

Direct and Indirect Fired Make-Up Air and Heating and Ventilating


We start with the premise that almost every building or enclosure requires some type of ventilation to prevent the buildup of harmful gases and contaminants. Fresh air is needed to replace stale air. New air is needed to replace exhausted air. At the same time, depending on the climate and season, tempered air is needed to satisfy your ventilation requirements. “Total air management” is at the heart of AbsolutAire’s engineering design strategy to optimize indoor air quality (IAQ) by delivering cost effective, environmentally sensitive, reliable, and durable customer-driven solutions.

Pure and Simple: AbsolutAire has an absolute commitment to providing its customers with total value in direct fired make up air, indirect fired make up air and heating and ventilating systems. This means applying the best available technology to  preserve precious resources, slash heating and ventilation costs, and shrink our environmental footprint.

Our pure and simple solutions may be just what you need.

Absolut Aire


Whether you are in the process of designing and building, retrofitting, upgrading, or adding to an existing facility, we offer a range of solutions to meet your unique challenge. Choose from the links below to find your solution.

Paint Spray and BakePaint Spray and Bake
High Performance Process Air for Paint Finishing Solutions
Heavy IndustrialHeavy Industrial
Total Air Quality, Energy Savings, and Environmental Control
Climate Control for Clean, Green, Total Energy Efficiency
WarehousingView All Solutions
Click here to see our full line of products
Absolut Aire


Experience is the key to properly designing and installing your heating, ventilating, and make-up air system.

Click here to discover some of our featured installations.

arrow Nelson Steel Products,
Holland, MI (E)

Dan Pfeiffer Auto Dealership, Byron Center, MI (AA)

arrow Caterpillar,
Torreon, Mexico (S)

arrow General Motors,
Lansing, MI (S)

arrow Charter Steel,
Cleveland, OH (R)

arrow St. Peter and Paul Church,
Roseville, MI (V)